Friday, December 31, 2010

CD Review: "Farmer's Daughter" - Crystal Bowersox

CD: "Farmer's Daughter"
Artist: Crystal Bowersox
Release: December 14, 2010
Label: Jive Records

While the 2010 season of American Idol might not have been overflowing with the best that talent has to offer, it produced one of the better cds to but put out by an Idol finalist since Carrie Underwood, "Farmer's Daughter" by Crystal Bowersox. Crystal, one of the most genuine and honest songwriters to come out of any season, may be remembered for her dread-locks, her "stand out from the rest" attitude, and her seeming lack of enthusiasm about being chosen as a finalist, but what's gonna be remembered in the long run is gonna be her ability to write a damn good song, her self direction, and her ability to sing the hell out of whatever she sings. 

Crystal Bowersox is pure, natural, coarse talent - nothing more, nothing less and she does what so many current performers should but don't, she shows that she's comfortable in her own skin, confidence in her ability, and stayed with what musical style is true to who she is. I believe she would give it all up if it meant compromising who she is for a shot at stardom and that's highly commendable to me. Her music doesn't really have a single genre classification, to me it's a mix of country, Americana, folk and pop. I have to admit, I was never a huge fan and didn't think this cd would be worth buying, but I'm glad I really sat and listened to it because after giving it a chance, my mind has changed.

The title track, "Farmer's Daughter" is really where her gutsy personality shines through. The song is an emotional, heart wrenching articulation regarding child abuse that makes any mother want to go grab her child and hug them until they can't breathe. Whether the story is personal, we'll really never know but if I had to take a guess based on how intimate her songwriting ability comes across, I would venture a guess to say it's based on experience and her ability to overcome a rough childhood. My favorite song on the cd is "Holy Toledo", a passionate song about personal growth and figuring out the path one must choose to find their way to heaven, how to make the right choices and how to make themselves a better person. Most of us wonder that on a daily basis and I think Crystal makes the question even more personal. I also found myself listening to "Speak Now" and really enjoying what this song says because it's something we all can relate to, speaking up and saying how you feel instead of playing games and wondering how the other person feels. Do I like the entire cd, honestly, no, but that's a rarity to find these days. I think the reason I don't is strictly song choice. I wish she hadn't covered "For What It's Worth". It's just a song I didn't care for when it was done by Buffalo Springfield, didn't like it then, don't care for it now. There are a couple of other songs I don't care for because they didn't grab me like the others did, they're more filler I think. All in all, the cd is good in my opinion. I think the attitude displayed on American Idol may have cost Crystal some would-be fans, but those who really love the way a song is written and the passion that goes into her music won't let that bother them and will look beyond that and see the talent that's here. Is everyone gonna like the cd? No. Is her style of music for everyone? No. Is that ok? Yes. Music is an individual choice, it's ok to agree to disagree. Personally, I like it and recommend it to anyone who wants to hear something different, something not like every other artist you hear on the radio and Crystal Bowersox is that artist.

You can find Crystal Bowersox online:

Purchase "Farmer's Daughter" online at AmazoniTunes or at most record stores like Best Buy and Target.


Unknown said...

I love this CD. I have it in the car radio and my ipod and listen to it continuous. It's hard to pick my favorite because most all of her songs are favorites. I'm definitely Crystallized. Can't wait for more coming from her.

scott VI #162 said...

I love this cd it's great, worth buying I have it in my car and I play it all the time. IMO its great but you judge for yourself.