Monday, July 11, 2011

CD Review: "Premium Country" - David Adam Byrnes

CD: Premium Country

I have to give a huge thank you to the Twitter army for David Adam Byrnes for bringing this artist to my attention. I'd heard his name around but being that I get so many requests to listen to music, it took awhile for me to get around to taking a listen and I'm glad I did. David's music is a welcome change and refreshing alternate choice to today's "on every station every hour" country music. Here it comes .... wait for it ... I guess you could call him a "Sweet Distraction". The tone of his voice is fantastic, about as close to classic country as you can get these days. There's no auto tuner, no synthetics, just pure raw twang and country.

As a huge fan of Josh Thompson who wrote the first track, "Sweet Distraction", I knew there was no way that DAB could go wrong with this song on the cd and that was the right conclusion. From the first time I heard it, the voice in my head didn't stop singing it. Although the song definitely has Josh written all over it, David owns it and has vocally molded it more to his unique, distinctive sound. This song was meant to take your mind off whatever's troublin' ya and do exactly what the title says, give you a sweet distraction. Second on the cd is "One Too Many Times" and is co-written by one of my personal favorite songwriters, Arlis Albritton. The premise of this song is one that every one of us, male or female, can relate to: going back and forth in a relationship and getting to that point where you know you can't do it anymore and it's time to close the door and move on. The deeper I get into this cd, the more I realize what a great artist David Adam Byrnes truly is and what great music I've been missing out on. His voice brings back memories of Doug Stone, one of my favorite country singers. His songs are reminiscent of Doug as well, honest and emotional. "She Only Wanted Flowers" is one that really hits home for me as a female. Most men seem to think that women want so much out of them when all we really want is simple, for them to really just give us their time. "Flowers' is a metaphor for the small things most men think aren't enough but to a woman are the biggest things in a relationship. Finally someone gets it and put it on an album so others can get it! I listened to this one on repeat about 4 times in a row, great song. 

There are more songs on this cd than most you'll see out there which means more good music for your money - 14 songs whereas most have around 10 or so. All 14 songs are good, could easily become a favorite cd in my collection once I listen to it some more. If you like good, bona-fide country music, this should be your choice next time you're on the hunt for new music. Get it, listen to it, pay attention to it and tell other country music fans about it. Heck, buy them a copy of it!

Get your copy of "Premium Country", which is exactly what this cd and David Adam Byrnes are, on and at the official DAB website

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