Friday, February 17, 2012

Songwriter Spotlight #2: Mason Douglas

As part of our "Thank a Songwriter Day", we're casting the spotlight over one of the first songwriters to ever really catch our attention, wow about 3 years ago now, Mason Douglas. Mason's upbeat personality, great sense of humor and love of what he does carries over into his music and his confidence is evident in every song he writes and performs. Audiences love him and with good reason, he engages them throughout the show, has them laughing and singing along (most of them very off key I might add.) His songs are top shelf quality and his lyrics will move you to laughter, tears or somewhere in between. Mason can be found touring the country performing house concerts, local bars and main live music venues in Nashville. If you're in the area where he happens to be playing, we highly recommend attending a live show to see the entire package that is Mason. We love all of his music, but our personal picks for best songs are "People Fall in Love", "Anything Can Happen", "Staying Away", "The Moon, Merlot and Me" and "The Blues Never Looked Good on You". Go to his website and take a listen. His music is available for purchase on iTunes and Amazon.

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