Monday, June 16, 2014


So about 2 years ago, in a previous interview, we asked JT Hodges if he had any special hidden talents fans might not know about. His answer was that he could down an entire package of Jack Links beef jerky in under a minute.

Well, we had the pleasure of catching up with him before his show at The Farm in Selma, NC this weekend and you know we couldn't let that "challenge" pass by without showing up with a bag of jerky and a double dog dare. Turns out he had just eaten a huge dinner but he was more than willing share his special "technique" on how to properly eat the beef jerky. Excuse the laughing, he was killing me! LOL! This is a classic!

And now ladies and gentleman, may I present a JT Hodges tutorial -  "Beef Jerky: The Hodges Way" ...

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