Showing posts with label Pick It or Flick It. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pick It or Flick It. Show all posts

Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Week's "Pick it Or Flick It" Artist: Nikki Shae

We have an overwhelming choice of "PICK IT" with last week's artist, Dean Meadows. Thank you to all who  gave their feedback and help us promote music you want to hear more and not music you don't. This brings us to week 2: Nikki Shae. If the poll results in a pick it, then we'll keep it and look at further promotions. If we get a "flick it", then unfortunately, we will have to pass on promotions. As much as we support new artists, we can't promote everyone and reality is, not everyone is as good as they think they are. This is where you come in, the ones who listen to the music, buy the cds and are the bottom line in who makes it in the business. We want to put music out that YOU like, that YOU wanna hear and that YOU would support.

Week 2 Artist: Nikki Shae

This is a song by Nikki Shae, "Wait for Me", to give you an idea of her voice, her look and her talent. Let us know what you think, should we "Pick it or Flick It". If you like Nikki, let us know why you like her. Likewise, if you don't like her, let us know what it is that isn't grabbing your attention. Leave a comment below with your feedback. The artists see this feedback so make it constructive, not mean spirited or cruel. The purpose of featuring new artists is to showcase their talent and help them grow, not knock them down. They learn from your feedback and it helps them in the future.


Nikki’s breakthrough came when she entered an Idol competition in hopes to win money for recording. She decided to stick with her roots and sing a Country song; Shania Twain’s “Up”. Nikki had been told for years that her voice and the way she writes from her heart suited Country music best. Her performance that night was phenomenal and the audience ate it up! Nikki knew without a doubt that this was the music she was meant to sing and she loves it!

Nikki recently taught herself how to play the guitar. She’s been writing, recording, and performing her own original country songs which led to her trip to music city, Nashville, Tennessee in January 2011. She spent her time there co-writing with a few amazing songwriters which resulted in 13 new songs. Nikki recorded 3 of her new songs with veteran producer Kent Wells at the famous Sound Kitchen in Franklin, TN.

In July of 2011 Nikki went back to Nashville and competed in Nashville's New Country Star contest. She made it to the finals. She had such a blast and met so many nice people. This is when Nikki decided that her dream of moving to Music City to pursue her music career would have to become reality very soon.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Pick it Or Flick It: "Her Next Good Time" - Dean Meadows

Ok guys, we're starting a new feature, "Pick It or Flick It". This is a way for you to help us decide which artists to promote and which music to publicly review on the site. We want your honest opinions on new music, what you like about it, what you don't like about it, do you think the general public will be interested in hearing more from the artist? This helps the artist as well by showing them honest feedback from not only us, but from you, the ones who count, the listener.

Our first artist is Dean Meadows, an unsigned artist in Nashville. His debut cd, "Here With Me", is available on iTunes. The song below, "Her Next Good Time" is a song from that cd. Take a listen and comment with your honest opinion of the vocals, the instrumentation, and just give us your overall impression of his music. Let us know whether we should "Pick It" or "Flick It".