Showing posts with label adoption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adoption. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Presley & Taylor recently released their music video for their latest single "Choose Me" which centers on the relationship between a rescue dog and it's owner. 

The video shows actor Charles Dawson playing with his puppy, as Presley & Taylor perform "Choose Me." Later scenes show a grown up dog and a heart-tugging ending. The clip was produced and directed by Matt and John Edde of The Edde Brothers production company. will add the clip on October 29.

Presley & Taylor first recorded “Choose Me” a couple of years ago and asked their record company to release the single after seeing a news story about an organization transferring dogs and cats to Nashville from a Baton Rouge shelter in the path of Hurricane Ida.

The single cover art features Presley & Taylor’s own rescue dog Rocky. The cuddly King Charles mix was first rescued by their grandmother in Connecticut. After her passing, the girls brought Rocky to live with them in Nashville.

Coinciding with the single and video release, Presley & Taylor announced proceeds streaming and downloads will support PEDIGREE Foundation’s annual grant program, which supports rescues and shelters across the country. Presley & Taylor are serving as PEDIGREE Foundation ambassadors and encouraging everyone to adopt, volunteer or donate to help end pet homelessness. PEDIGREE Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization based in Franklin, TN.

Written by Tim Johnson and Joseph Williams Pupora, “Choose Me” is available at all streaming platforms via OneRPM now, coinciding with Dog Adoption Month. The song can be streamed and downloaded HERE.

This song and video have a special meaning to me as a "parent" of a rescue dog. Having always been a rescue dog mom, this song just connected with me on a deeper level and I know it's going to do the same with others. My previous rescue, Sam, passed away in September 2017 and honestly, I didn't think after losing another dog that I'd be ready to adopt again for awhile. My heart was just broken. Then there came Charlie ...

I was surfing Facebook just a week or two after losing Sam and there he was, looking at me with the most pitiful eyes on our local rescue page, Misplaced Mutts. I looked at him and read up on him then moved on. Well, the next day there he was again, this time in a video, this little 8 lb Chiweenie chasing a bigger pit bull mix determined to get his stick back and I immediately thought "That's my dog. I have to save that dog." I reached out to the foster mom, who just happened to live just outside of our subdivision and she let me come see him that night. As soon as he ran in the door from the backyard, my heart melted and there was no doubt he was coming home with me even if I had to stick him in my purse and pretend he got out of the yard. He was skittish of people, yet had a light in his eyes that made me know he would be a well adjusted, happy dog with the right family. That was going to be my family. Brooke, the foster mom, was great. She said that she'd have to discuss with the owners of the rescue, do a site inspection for housing, etc but I should know by the following Monday. I was heading to Nashville the next morning so I looked her right in the eye and said "You don't understand, this is MY dog. He's coming home with me before I leave in the morning." She said if it was up to her, he'd be in the car headed to my house right then but rules are rules. As we were getting in the car,  she got a text from the owners of the rescue saying they drove by and saw we were still there and they had just picked up Charlie's mom from the vet and asked if we'd like to meet her.  Bea and Carrie came over and told us Charlie's story - he was rescued from an abusive alcoholic hoarder. He and his litter were kept in cages for the first 4 months of their lives and Charlie's mom even had cigarette burns inside her ears. Well, I told them the same thing I told Brooke, that dog is coming to my house. They said they'd discuss and call me by Monday. I drove home almost in tears because I needed that dog and he needed me. I had just walked in the door when she called and said "come get him. he IS your dog." I went and picked him up and from that point on, he was home and he would be loved. That was 2017. 

Today, he is a thriving, happy dog. He is constantly smiling, playing, and he loves to sing. His world stops when he hears Ricky Van Shelton, Alison Krauss, Sarah Darling, or Home Free. He stops, watches the music player, tilts his head and "sings" along. He loves road trips with mom, we go on "dates" to Chick Fil A, the park, and the beach. He loves going to our local pet friendly coffee shop, Muttigans, and getting a pup cup and he loves going to a local pet store, "Sea Paws", where he allowed to be off leash and he plays with other dogs and the owners. He even has a girlfriend, Emma, who lives next door. They have dates too and share lots of kisses and run lots of zoomies. He's such a different dog from when I got him. If I'm being honest, he rescued me just as much as I did him and I am so grateful.

"Lil Chuckie Mayhem" has a Facebook and Instagram page if you wanna keep up with his antics. 

Check out the video from Presley and Taylor and consider adopting a dog or cat who needs you. You might realize that you need them just as much as they need you.