Showing posts with label jason crabb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jason crabb. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2023


Crabb, Gaynor join Star-Studded Festival Festivities Alongside Celebs Tracee Ellis Ross, Nick Jonas, Jon Hamm, Alicia Silverstone, Oscar De La Hoya, Mario Lopez, Mark Wahlberg, Milli Vanilli, and more.

Gloria Gaynor and Jason Crabb perform “Singin' Over Me” during the Tribeca Film Festival Premiere of Gaynor's documentary, I Will Survive, on Friday, June 9, 2023 in New York, NY.
Photo courtesy of Conduit Media

Billboard, the renowned music industry authority, has named Jason Crabb's performance with Gloria Gaynor as one of the six best moments during the Tribeca Film Festival premiere of the documentary, I Will Survive.

Billboard called the collaboration on “Singin' Over Me” a ‘stunning duet' and highlighted it and Crabb's involvement with Gloria as some of the best moments during the event and film. The documentary features several minutes of Crabb's involvement and recording sessions with Gaynor during the creation of her GRAMMY® winning recording, Testimony.

The performance took place during Gaynor's mini-concert after the premiere and was a surprise to attendees during the Tribeca Film Festival on Friday, June 9, 2023.

The Betsy Schechter produced and directed documentary recounts Gloria Gaynor’s life while also chronicling her comeback journey. It is both a moving story of an artist’s resilience and a behind-the-scenes look at the music industry.

The Tribeca Film Festival, a prominent annual event that celebrates the best of independent cinema, showcased a diverse range of captivating films and memorable experiences. Crabb joined Gaynor at the film festival along with other celebrities such as Tracee Ellis Ross, Nick Jonas, Jon Hamm, Alicia Silverstone, Oscar De La Hoya, Mario Lopez, Mark Wahlberg, Milli Vanilli, and more.

Gaynor and Crabb struck up an unlikely friendship several years ago due to a chance encounter on Twitter.

Seven years ago, Jason Crabb was about to make his solo Carnegie Hall debut. Gloria Gaynor followed him on Twitter. Crabb did not believe it was her. He called his publicist to confirm her identity and then messaged the disco icon on Twitter and asked if she would like to be his guest at his Carnegie Hall debut. Gaynor responded “yes.” As they visited in the dressing room, she said it was a bucket list item for her to play Carnegie Hall, and Crabb couldn’t believe she had never played Carnegie Hall. So, Crabb surprised her that night, and pulled her on stage to sing “Take My Hand, Precious Lord” with him. As a result, Crabb helped Gaynor check off an item on her bucket list. That was back on June 4, 2016. Now, seven years later - almost to the day – Crabb joined Gaynor at the Tribeca Film Festival.

Crabb is currently touring in support of his latest hit and EP, Good Morning Mercy.

Crabb shared highlights on his Instagram Reels, posting videos and photos
from the memorable evening.

Jason Crabb and wife Shellye appear on the red carpet at the Tribeca Film Festival Premiere of Gaynor's documentary,
 I Will Survive, on Friday, June 9, 2023 in New York, NY.
Photo courtesy of Conduit Media

Gloria Gaynor and Jason Crabb perform “Singin' Over Me” during the Tribeca Film Festival Premiere of Gaynor's documentary, I Will Survive, on Friday, June 9, 2023 in New York, NY.
Photo courtesy of Conduit Media


Thursday, May 18, 2023


Let me start this review by saying if you have never seen Jason Crabb perform live, make it a point to go. He's been in my area many times but I always had a reason here or there as to why I never made it to a show. I saw he was coming within a 2 hour drive this time so I made it a point to go and check it off my bucket list. WOW. I am soooo glad I did. I left there a changed person. I believe Jason is one of the best songwriters the music industry has been blessed with. His words change lives.

I arrived at the venue a couple of hours early. Thanks to his wonderful publicist, Aaron, I was able to have some quiet, one on one time with Jason before the show to just sit and talk about his life, his music and his faith. What an amazing conversation. You can read the interview HERE.  There is something so refreshing about an artist who isn't afraid of who they really are, who is willing to show their authenticity and speak their mind even if it isn't freely accepted by today's society. That's what makes Jason Crabb a stand out, not only in a commercialized industry but as an every day person. He says his truth, he stands by his words, he expresses his love of God and his faith in a very open and honest way and he shares his message in the words of each song he sings. You won't hear words come out of his mouth that he doesn't believe or mean. You won't hear lyrics that make you question the content of his music. He's real, he's genuine and he's exactly who he is. His music, stories, testimony and just his personal delivery of all three is a much needed and much welcomed message of encouragement.

Jason took the stage with his band and immediately commanded the attention of the crowd, the applause and cheers were pretty loud. I love the way he interacts with people. He doesn't treat them as fans, he treats them as friends. This was a room full of friends to him. He laughed with us, joked with us and told the best stories. Now let's talk about that voice. WOW. I knew he could sing because I've been a fan for years but to hear him live is a whole new experience. His voice is so strong and he hits every note spot on. You can't help but sit there with a stupid grin on your face listening to him. I know I wasn't the only one looking like that. He sings with a distinct, yet humble, self-confidence and a welcome positivity. He is a great guitar player too. I had already forewarned him not to look at me because I would be crying during some of his songs and his response? "Well then we'll both be crying."

He sang a variety of songs - "Sometimes I Cry", "Just as I Am" and a huge list of older ones and he brought out his newer ones like "Good Morning Mercy" (his duet single with country artist Dylan Scott) and "Do It For You". 

The highlight of the night was when he brought out his daughter, Ashleigh. She is an up and coming singer/songwriter and author of a book she's been working on. What an impressive young lady she was. She sang a beautiful rendition of "Great is Thy Faithfulness". The audience loved her performance so much that Jason kept her on stage for awhile and she sang her own composition, a hauntingly personal and amazing song that I unfortunately missed the name of but when if she releases it as a single, I'll be all over it. It was soooo good. Her voice is simple yet complex and stunning. She stayed on for a duet of the Crabb Family favorite, "Please Forgive Me" which was written by Gerald Crabb. 

This night was one I'll never forget and one that changed my life in a span of about 3 hours. Thank you both for one of the best performances I've ever been blessed to witness.

Monday, April 17, 2023


I had the opportunity to sit down for a little personal time with one of Christian music's favorite artists, Jason Crabb, while he was playing in Kinston, NC this past Friday night. What a great guy. There is nothing about Jason that isn't genuine or honest. He doesn't play a part, he doesn't pretend to be someone in the room and someone else out of the room. What you see is exactly what you get, he speaks from his heart and he speaks his personal truth. I think I could be good friends with this one. Thank you Jason for taking your time, especially so last minute, to just talk honestly about life, the Lord, the music and what truly drives you. I left forever changed Friday night and I thank you for that.

Describe your journey of faith

Well my journey of faith started when I was a young kid. I grew up in the church, my dad was a pastor, grew up a PK (pastor’s kid). Um, there were a lot of twists and turns, we moved to a lot of different churches. He pastored quite a few different churches around, the Church of God is what he pastors. Then we kinda took a trail that was not so positive. My dad got out of church and um, just, things went really downhill, really fast.  My parents separated for awhile, the divorced and the my dad remarried, married a lady who a lot of people know. Cathy Crabb. She’s kind of the Crabb Family matriarch so to speak. She had 2 daughters, one of them loved to sing, the other didn’t and that’s how the Crabb Family started, a blended family. My mom still lives back in the same town we grew up in, an incredible woman. Of course a lot of people know my dad was a songwriter for the group and you know, it really was an incredible journey. We traveled on the road for 14 years as a family, then I came off the road with them and I’ve been on the road now traveling for 16 years solo so I’m going into my 31st year on the road with about 170 dates a year.

How do you, in today’s climate and industry, how do you maintain your beliefs and integrity while trying to grow a larger audience?

Well, the thing about it is, there are a lot of things about it you can include yourself in. There are some things, you know, well, let’s put it like this … I remember back into day, you had to go “Okay, does this stage look right for me?” Ok, let me put it like this, do I trust myself in this place? I think that’s the best way to look at it. You have to do that yourself. A lot of times, the problem is with artists they look at how other people look at them on that stage. The best way to look at it is“Do you trust yourself” in that place? Because if you do, of course, follow the steps of Jesus, because He was the only perfect One but goodness, He sat with prostitutes and tax collectors and the people in the city were going around asking “Who’s this man sitting with unclean folk?” Well who’s to say who’s unclean? The ones making the judgement sounded to me like they might be the most questionable. You know what I’m saying? So, I think the best way is to just look and see if you honestly have that judge of character on yourself and say, no matter what anyone else thinks, “God opened this door for me” and decide if it’s a door He opened for you and if it’s not, ask yourself if you trust yourself in that place. He’s not going put you anywhere He doesn’t trust you or you don’t trust yourself.

So you have a new song out with Dylan Scott called “Good Morning Mercy”, tell us about this one.

Dylan’s a good one, I saw my buddy just got nominated for an ACM Award this week. Very excited about that for him. I am very proud of him, if anyone deserves it, he does. I love how he involves his family in his music. Country music to me is a really neat platform of music. Country music, if it’s authentic country, then it involves many things, it’s kind of like a patchwork quilt. It’s like here’s my wife, here are my children, the town I grew up, here’s the farm, here’s grandma, here’s grandpa and it’s all the little pieces that tell the story. It’s family, friends, faith, my country, our veterans, my experience … they’re all part of the story. Those things create the most beautiful quit. Then there’s a different kind of country, the commercial side of it, driven more by the sponsors. It’s like “Hey, I love music” but I’m playing the music in angles vs here’s my life. I’ve got an angle for this that I know I can do so the beat’s gonna have to be here, it’s gonna have to appeal to the sponsor and be about the part. You know what I’m saying. It’s very industry driven vs. here’s the authentic. There are those artists like Chris Stapleton and Tyler Childers that you don’t have a question in your mind that they’re singing about what matters to them, what drives them. That’s who Dylan Scott is. He’s that kind of person, he’s refreshing, he’s what we need. It’s nice to be able to do a song with someone like that. This song is something we were both driven to do, the content matters to us.

You have another song out, “Do It For You”. What’s the story there?

Well, there are a lot of stories behind this one. The funny thing is we were writing to create and make sure we have our next single. We were kinda positive that we did and I do believe that the song we had will be a single. We already had one and were gonna go with it. The label said why don’t we write a couple more just to make sure this is exactly what we want. So my publicist got with another publishing company and said “You bring some of your writers and we’ll bring some of our writers and we’ll have a great big writer’s circus camp kinda thing.” We have 12 different writers  that showed up in one day and under one roof in Nashville and we all went into different rooms. My goal was to go 30 min in this room while they were writing, 30 minutes in this room, 30 minutes in that room and feel the way the song was going. I was with Jay, we were writing, had a great song and me and Phil, one of my very favorite writers, not one hour into the write comes in and says “We’re finished with this song, I want you to come of listen  to it and see what you think” and I didn’t even get to get in there yet. I went in there and went, “I don’t know how we’ll beat this song.” I just knew this was the right song and I told them that. This is the single. I just knew it, it felt right and it was. So many people need encouragement right now, they can’t see past their current situation and circumstance. We’re people of emotion, we make so many decisions based on how we feel and what’s around us at the moment and sometimes if we don’t have that glimpse of hope, it seems like a doomsday. But, when someone walks up and you’re in that situation and says “Hey look, I’ve been just where you’re at, I know what you’re going through but I also know the God that made a way for me and if you need that highway through the sea, He’ll do it. If you need that mountain to be moved out of your way, He’s the One to move it and He’s the God of all miracles. There ain’t nothin’ He can’t do. If He did it for me, He can do if for you.

What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

Hmmm … you know, this might sound very weird because of what I do, but when I’m in the truck, I very seldom listen to music. I love silence. When I do turn on music, it’s usually the old country stuff, you know. This is really funny because I tried to explain this the other day when I was doing a tv talk show and I know it’s not aired yet and I’m gonna get killed for it (laughs) but we were talking about worship and what it means to me and when is your alone time with God? I said “Y’all are gonna laugh and think I’m crazy and I’ll get letters for this, but there’s something that happens when I listen old familiar country music.” It takes me to a place of family and thankfulness and I know it’s not every country song, I’m not saying that but there are certain songs that take me there  that make me go “God, thank You for my upbringing. Thank You for this wonderful lfe. Thank You for my family.” Isn’t that crazy? You remember that Michael Bolton song, “When I’m Back on My Feet Again” … that was an incredible “man in the mirror” kinda thing. There are songs that make you look deeper.

God has a unique way of redeeming our past What song of yours demonstrates the unique way He’s redeemed you?

Hmmm, boy. There is one song called “I Will Love You” that I recorded some time ago. It says:

Angels see you face to face

If I could I'd take their place

And pour out my heart to you

But what they don't understand

Is to know your grace first hand

How it feels to love like I do.

Yes you bring me to my knees with your kindness 

Theres nothing that I can hold back

The thing that got me with that song is that angels are created with choice and they chose the Lord. They chose to be there. It’s different when you’ve experienced the grace of God.They’ve never experienced His grace. Only we have. Only we have been through self-inflicted hell, selfish ways to where we have just failed ourselves and God comes and wraps His arms around you and loves us back and redeems us. Only us as humans can worship in grace and know what forgiveness and love are all about. So, that songs gets me a lot. There’s a song my dad wrote awhile ago called “Shepherd’s Call”.  It’s an old tune, one of the best he’s ever written. “There on that ledge one step would have ended it all. But I felt the hand, and I heard the Shepherd's call” and that it doesn’t put you right into a place … it’s truth. It’s just truth. I should have fallen actually, maybe I was going over the edge and He just grabbed me. I’d ask the reader to not judge me on this statement, but just hear my heart in it, but when Jesus told the disciples, I forget exactly who He was talking to, He said “leave the ships and leave the nets”. They said “Let me go home and tell my family bye” and He said “No, let’s leave that too, it’s time to go” and one of the hardest things is that my youngest daughter is going to go to prom pretty soon, she’s gonna be all dressed up and I’m gonna be on the road. Ball games, you know things, things and moments I’ve missed. That’s the hardest thing so I feel like the road gets a lot of me and my family gets, I don’t want to say the left overs because when I’m home, I try to give them all of me, but they’re all mine. My gosh, I love my family so much. I’m trying to wade through the balance of life, it’s so tough. That’s the hardest part.

Do you have a new album on the way?

I have a new EP coming out that I”m very excited about, has some great songs on there. There’s a song on there that will probably be the next single called “Hallelujah Story”, man people just love it. You don’t have to introduce it or say anything, the song introduces itself. It’s coming soon so just watch the social media pages for the official announcement.

Head over to his website, and connect with him on social media using @jasoncrabbmusic. Download and stream his music and be sure to purchase his merchandise. You know, in reality, the big corporations and sponsors don't stand behind Christian artists like they do mainstream artists so they depend on your support.

Thursday, March 23, 2023


Event Features Diverse Lineup of Country, Christian
and Bluegrass Artists

Museum Of The Bible Announced as Flagship Sponsor

New Multi-Day Christian Music Event Coming To Museum of the Bible

Mo Pitney, Emily Ann Roberts, Isaacs, and Todd Tilghman are set to headline the 40 Days & 40 Nights Christian Music Festival at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum presented by Abraham Productions. The festival will feature a diverse lineup of performers in Christian music with current favorites and legendary artists.

Abraham Productions, Inc. is pleased to announce the Museum of the Bible as the platinum sponsor for the world's largest Christian music Festival 40 Days & 40 Nights of Christian Music at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, August 1-September 9, 2023 in northern Kentucky.

As the flagship sponsor of the world's largest Christian music festival, Museum of the Bible will be represented at all stages to include the huge Answers Center and outdoor Noah's Village at the Ark Encounter and the newly renovated Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum.

In addition to the sponsorship, Abraham Productions and Sea Walker Media are happy to announce a new multi-day Christian music event that will come to the World Stage Theater and Gathering Room at the Museum of the Bible in early Fall of 2024. The event will feature iconic artists and national speakers presenting the gospel in the heart of Washington, D.C. Details regarding this multi-day event will be released later this year.

Templeton Tours, Inc., the parent company of Singing At Sea, also joins the roster of great sponsors for the World's Largest Christian Music Festival, along with returning sponsors Christian Healthcare Ministries and Singing News Brands.

The Ark Encounter was recently voted the #1 Best Religious Museum by USA Today's 10 Best Readers' Choice Awards and the Creation Museum finished a close second. The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum are the top family-friendly destinations for people throughout the United States and many countries around the world.

Ken Ham, founder, and CEO of Answers in Genesis (parent company of the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum) is excited that the 40 Days and 40 Nights Christian Music Festival will expand in 2023 with its evangelistic concerts at both the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. Ham declares: “Each of these sponsors is a perfect fit for this incredible event and we are appreciative. Our plans are to continue to build this event and be a blessing and encouragement to attendees for many years to come.” The life-size Noah's Ark is located south of Cincinnati.

The 40 Days & 40 Nights of Christian Music Festival continues to grow in popularity with more than 40,000 attendees in 2022. In 2023, the event expands again with additional concerts being added and a talent roster that is second to none. Concerts will be held daily at the Ark Encounter, and Wednesday and Thursday morning concerts will be presented at Creation Museum.

Other performing artists include Cain, Triumphant, Selah, Inspirations, Cochren & Co, Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, Jason Crabb, Natalie Layne, Karen Peck & New River, Isaacs, Joseph Habedank, Booth Brothers, Jimmy Fortune, The Hoppers, and more than 100 other popular artists will be performing.

In addition to the incredible music, there will be inspiring messages and teaching from sought-after speakers like Ken Ham, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Dr. Jeff Laborg, Pastor Javon Ruff, Comedian Dennis Swanberg, Tim Lovelace, and many others.

Ray Flynn, President & CEO of Abraham Productions, Inc. and Sea Walker Media Corporation, said: “We are extremely honored and thankful to have the opportunity to partner with the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in presenting this mega Christian Music Festival at the top family destinations in America. We are also very thankful for our great sponsors Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, Christian Healthcare Ministries, Templeton Tours – Singing at Sea, and Singing News Brands. We are also excited to partner with Museum of the Bible on this major new event coming to World Stage Theater on the Fall of 2024.”

Tuesday, February 1, 2022




To purchase tickets, click HERE.

Devastated by the damage from the Dec. 10 tornado in Mayfield, Ky., Ricky Skaggs and Steven Curtis Chapman have organized a benefit concert on Sunday, Feb. 20 at 7:00 p.m. (CT) at Heartland Church in Chapman's hometown of Paducah, Ky. Skaggs and Chapman enlisted friends, Jason Crabb, Larry Stewart and more, for the lineup. All proceeds will benefit victims of the tornado via Samaritan's Purse. 

Blue Wolf Capital Partners, The State Group and the family of companies throughout Kentucky (Rick’s Electric, Beltline Electric, Comstock Electric and Delta Services) are pleased to sponsor the Kentucky tornado relief benefit concert. They are committed to helping this region fully recover from the devastation caused by the storms and their thoughts and prayers go out to all who were affected.

“As a boy who was born and raised in Paducah, Ky. (and spent a lot of my childhood in Mayfield), I have been broken-hearted to see the devastation caused by the tornadoes that swept through my home state back in December. I've been praying for the folks back home and have wanted to find a way to encourage them and show them some love. So I reached out to my 'bluegrass big brother' and fellow Kentuckian, Ricky Skaggs, and said, 'let's go play some music and try to raise some money to love on the people there'…and thankfully he agreed! I’m also very grateful to be joined by two other Kentucky brothers, Jason Crabb and Larry Stewart (also from Paducah) for this one night only Kentucky tornado relief benefit, with proceeds going to Samaritan's Purse to help the work that they're doing there for those who have been most devastated and affected by these tornadoes," shared Chapman.

"I’m really glad to be coming back again to help the people of Mayfield, Ky. I came with Franklin Graham and Samaritan’s Purse on Christmas Eve, but I knew I just had to come back. My heart broke when I saw the devastation. This benefit concert will be a great opportunity for the people of Kentucky and the surrounding states to come and help our neighbors that have lost so much. Bring your friends and help all you can, as they really need us right now,” stated Skaggs.

"I am a Kentucky boy, through and through. The moment I heard about the destruction and loss of life from the tornadoes, I went to help. Thankfully, great friends and organizations like Jentezen Franklin, God’s Pit Crew and Samaritan’s Purse jumped right in. And now, my friends – and fellow Kentucky brothers – Steven Curtis Chapman and Ricky Skaggs are pitching in to help even more people through this benefit concert. I sure hope you’ll come out, open up your hearts and join us to make a difference. It’s going to take all of us to rebuild," added Crabb.

“As Kentucky families continue to recover, we are incredibly grateful for the talent and generosity of Steven Curtis Chapman and Ricky Skaggs,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse. “The proceeds of this concert will go toward our ongoing efforts to help tornado victims return home while reminding them that God loves them and they are not forgotten.”

Based in Boone, N.C., Samaritan's Purse responds to the physical and spiritual needs of individuals in crisis situations, especially in locations where few others are working. Led by President and CEO Franklin Graham, Samaritan’s Purse works in more than 100 countries to provide aid to victims of war, disease, disaster, poverty, famine and persecution. For more information, visit

Monday, February 8, 2021


2-Time GRAMMY Winner Jason Crabb Featured on Hood During Daytona Xfinity Series Race February 20, 2021

Red Street Records – owned by Rascal Flatts’ member Jay DeMarcus – is proud to announce the label’s sponsorship of Natalie Decker as she joins RSS Racing, managed by Reaume Brothers Racing, for five races in the NASCAR Xfinity Series. This is a historic partnership – the first time a Christian music label has sponsored a NASCAR driver

“We are thrilled to be partnering with Team Decker,” said Jay DeMarcus, owner of Red Street Records. “Natalie is on the cutting edge of the racing industry; her meteoric rise continues to be amazing and unprecedented! She is the next generation. We here at Red Street view our journey in much the same way: innovation, and “outside the box” thinking, have set us apart, in the same way that Natalie has been set apart as one of NASCAR’s youngest female drivers in history. That makes Team Decker and Red Street Records the perfect combination!”

"I echo what Jay has expressed: we are beyond excited to work with Natalie and Team Decker,” said Mark Lusk President/General Manager of Red Street Records. “Her heart, drive and passion resonate so strongly with our team and we fully expect this to be a winning combination! LET’S RACE!"

Also unveiled was the design of the car, with 2-time GRAMMY winner Jason Crabb – a Red Street Records artist – showcased on the hood of the car promoting his new single, “Just As I Am.”

“Natalie Decker proves that with God-given talent and determination, you can achieve your dreams,” said Jason Crabb. “To be included in Red Street Records’ sponsorship of Natalie and her team during the NASCAR Xfinity Series is just awesome – start your engines!”

RSS Racing’s Natalie Decker will be running the #23 Chevy Camaro for five races to start the year, which will be managed by Reaume Brothers Racing once again. Natalie will be making her NASCAR Xfinity Series debut at the Daytona Road Course and is proud to reveal her new partnership with Red Street Records, who will be her primary sponsor.

Josh Reaume, owner of Reaume Brothers Racing, is excited about the partnership, commenting: “As a team, we have been able to help a lot of drivers make their debut into the NASCAR trucks Series, and now we have the ability to do that with the NASCAR Xfinity Series. Having Natalie make her Xfinity debut at the Daytona Road Course is another exciting step for this team and the direction we are heading. We had some strong runs with Myatt Snider at the road courses last year and we are confident Natalie will do a great job at the Daytona road course to kick off the 2021 season.” 

“First, I have to say thank you, thank you to all my fans that support me and show me so much love! I love you all!," exclaimed Natalie Decker. "Thank you to Todd DiBenedetto for connecting Natalie Decker LLC and Red Street Records. Thank you, Red Street Records, for believing in me and wanting to be part of this Journey with me. Our first race is the Daytona road course, and I could not be any happier, we have Jason Crabb and his new single on the hood of the car. This song is so meaningful to me and the inspiration I get from Jason when I hear this song is unbelievable! I’m excited for this journey and I’m so happy I finally get to share it with all of you!”

Natalie Decker has made significant strides in the last few years racing in the ARCA series and most recently in the NCWTS – where she became the highest finishing female in the NASCAR Truck Series, finishing 5th at Daytona in 2020. With Natalie’s enormous talent, coupled with RSS’s strong fleet of vehicles, the team is looking to give Decker the equipment needed to show off her racing skills. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020


Jason Crabb to Appear This Saturday at Grand Ole Opry
Rascal Flatts' Jay DeMarcus to Join 2 time GRAMMY Winner for Special Duet Performance

Jason Crabb – two-time GRAMMY® and 22 GMA Dove Award winner, will once again take the stage of the Grand Ole Opry this Saturday, December 26, 2020. The beloved artist / songwriter / actor / author will perform alongside T. Graham Brown, Lindsay Ell, Charlie McCoy, Riders in the Sky, Connie Smith and Marty Stuart.

Jay DeMarcus – member of Rascal Flatts and owner of Jason's record label, Red Street Records – will joining Crabb during his set to perform "A Strange Way To Save The World," the Christmas single they released at the beginning of December. The song was debuted during an appearance on Fox & Friends.

A portion of the Opry will be broadcast live Saturday, December 26 at 9 PM ET / 8 PM CT on Circle, and on Gray TV stations, DISH Studio Channel 102, Sling TV and other TV affiliates in addition to a companion live stream on Circle All Access Facebook and YouTube channels. 

Fans around the world can also tune in to the broadcast on the Opry’s flagship radio home, 650 AM-WSM and several other outlets. 

For more details and to find out if Circle is available in your market, please visit For more information about Circle, please contact:

Friday, December 11, 2020


This morning, Jay DeMarcus (Rascal Flatts) and Jason Crabb debuted "Strange Way To Save The World," their new Red Street Records single release, on the hit morning show, FOX & Friends.
Due to COVID restrictions, DeMarcus and Crabb had to broadcast via Skype from DeMarcus' home in Nashville, TN to the FOX studios in New York City.
"I've wanted to be on FOX & Friends for as long as I can remember," said Crabb. "So, to get to share this moment with Jay and to sing such an amazing song that celebrates the true reason for the season – the birth of Jesus – was very special. It was an honor to share the joy of Christ with Ainsley, Brian, Steve, and the FOX & Friends viewers."
The release celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Christmas classic written by Don Koch, Dave Clarke and Mark Harris. The song was originally performed by iconic Christian vocal group, 4Him, and released in 2000. 

“I’ve always loved this song, and I’m so honored and proud to have been able to record it with Jason Crabb," says Jay DeMarcus. "He is as good as it gets when it comes to powerful voices and I couldn’t be more grateful for his willingness to do this with me. This timeless masterpiece was written by my good friends; Don Koch, Mark Harris and Dave Clark, and it is truly one for the ages.”
"It so great to hear this awesome new version of a song that I was a part of writing almost 30 years ago," said Mark Harris, member of 4Him and co-writer of the song. "Jay and Jason have done a great job of capturing the heart behind “A Strange Way to Save the World”.
I hope this reminds everyone once again of the simple, yet amazing way Christ came to the world.
Jason's daughter, Ashleigh, makes a special appearance on the track as well, providing harmony vocals. 
Produced by DeMarcus, the release is available now via all digital outlets.

Friday, May 1, 2015


Another great event just announced to kick off #CMAFEST2015

What a great lineup of phenomenal talent for this event - Billy Yates, T. Graham Brown, Jimmy Fortune, Jason Crabb, Daryle Singletary, Jeff Bates, Buddy Jewell, Teea Goans, Jeannie Seely, Lu Lu Roman, John Berry, Mo Pitney, Emi Sunshine, Emily Brooke, Grayson Yates, Buddy Cannon, Whitey Shafer, Dallas Frazier and more being added! These artists will be backed by some of the most talented musicians in country music.

 This is a fundraising even for Christmas for the Children. Not only are you getting an outstanding night of music, your admission is going towards a very wonderful cause. 

General Admission - $20.00
Mid-Level Seating - $45.00
VIP includes table seating closest to stage and artist Meet and Greet - $55.00

Tickets can be purchased HERE

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Power vocalist and Grammy winner Jason Crabb delivers the uplifting power ballad "Love Is Stronger" to help raise awareness about Down Syndrome. Jason's joined in the video by Ashley DeRamus, a young woman with Down Syndrome and an inspiring heart. Among other pursuits, Ashley designs her own clothing line for people with Down Syndrome and was recognized by the Disney blog, "Babble", as one of 6 entrepreneurs with Down Syndrome who are inspiring the world.

Be sure to watch the second video as well to get a glimpse behind the scenes with Jason and Ashley during the making of the video.

Monday, September 30, 2013


Check out the great new video for the latest single by Jason Crabb, "Love is Stronger", that made it's official premiere on USA Today this morning. You can read the entire premiere article by Brian Mansfield HERE.