Showing posts with label joseph bonsall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joseph bonsall. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2024


It's been so nice seeing all of the kind words that the music industry have been saying about their memories and thoughts of Joe Bonsall of the Oak Ridge Boys. I thought I'd put together a piece featuring memories and thoughts of those who followed the Oak Ridge Boys all over the world, who loved him in a different way, those who he made a deep personal impact on - his fans. Here are a few of the memories and the things that made truly made Joe a once in a lifetime kind of person. 

Thank you Joe for being the extraordinary guy you were. We'll celebrate you every day and smile through recollections such as these. We love you, ya crazy boy from Philly.

Kelly Cline - "Joe's unwavering faith was such an inspiration to me. He never shied away from his faith nor his love for Jesus, even from the stage. He was faithful to give God the glory even in his struggles. You never saw Joe without that big infectious smile on his face. I will remember that.

David Staub - "Another great one gone too soon. I grew up watching and listening to Joe and the Oak Ridge Boys. Then found him on X and developed a great love for the man. We will see him again at that great stage in the sky. God just needed a great tenor for His choir. Prayers for his family.”

Carolyn Kirby - “Joe Bonsall! I have had a tough time with this but I really want to honor your memory so l cranked up The Oak Ridge Boys on my drive into work this morning and when Elvira came on, I sang it loud!”

Lee Vernoy - “That Heavenly Choir is going to really sound beautiful, although he may have to sit between George Younce and J.D. Sumner to keep them from bickering! Much love, thoughts and prayers to you and your family.”

Jack Pierce - “ Joe was "The straw that stirred the drink"! Thank you Joe. You were so loved. - Spyder”

Lori Embree - “Much love and light coming to y'all. He's touched so many lives in so many ways. Heaven is getting an awesome singer and a great man.”

David Bowers - “Mary & family, he earned the love & respect of everyone who met him. I ‘met' him on line. He encouraged me in my work, invited me to meet at a show. He talked with my wife & I for an hour and made sure we had good seats for the show. I'm proud to call him friend and brother.”

Cathy B. Kemmerlin - "Heaven gained one of the very best! I will miss his posts. Always very uplifting. Saw him last in September. I took my granddaughter down to stage front towards the show's end. I have a video where she stood smiling at him and he kept smiling and waving at her. Bless you all.

Peggy Mercer - "It's only LOVE in which we give the stories and feelings to his tribe now. He was a blessing to the world and to all who had the privilege of being in "his" world. The world will weep for a longgggggg time and also laugh, talk about his writing, veteran parents and "Elvira".

Joe L. - I love Joe. He is and always will be my favorite tenor and so talented. Met him in the early 90's at the Opry in Nashville. He loved Jesus with all his heart. A person would know that just by shaking hands with him. Praying for the whole family.

Ken Johnson - "Joe was an encouragement and a witness of God's goodness. We are praying for comfort for you in such a big loss."

win7user - "I just praise God that he blessed Joe with such amazing talent and such a loving heart. I hope that you can find solace in the fact that he touched so many lives for the better. God bless you all."

Steven Westra - "Joe had that contagious smile and encouraging words whenever I interacted with him. It started through Twitter conversations. I also spent time with him at the Florida Strawberry Festivals. The funniest thing when I would show up, he would say "Our center is here. We are ready to go." What I learned and respected from him is how he was very bold about his faith. Ready to share at any time. That is one thing that I will strive to get better at because of him. He will be missed. Until that day ..."

Jimmy Calhoun - "What a great legacy he leaves behind. Was a great Christian man. RIP Sir."

Dale Calloway - "When I was little, I referred to the Oak Ridge Boys as "The Okra Boys". Some 40 years later, I still occasionally do. Whenever I think of "The Okra Boys", Joe is always the first one to come to mind. He will be missed."

Cindy Childers - "Joe lived large and touched so many lives. He surely loved you all so very much. His bond with Barney was endearing and drew us in. Joe made this world a better place and now he is in the best place of all with his Lord. We will celebrate his life and pray for all of you."

Sharon Essner - "Thank you for sharing him with us. There's a Joe-shaped hole in our hearts."

Hollywood Yesterday - "Praying for your beautiful family and everyone who loved him ... and that was so many of us. He had so much charisma and seemed to be an even better person. He leaves a legacy of GREAT love for God, his family and cats and his country. Legacies don't get any sweeter."

Dominic Flath - "RIP Joe Bonsall. Your faith, love for America, humor and kindness never wavered. Your singing and writing were exceptional. Thank you for sharing your talents with so many. Prayers for the Bonsall family and the Oak Ridge Boys."

Ed Sherrill - He will truly be missed. A great entertainer but also a gentleman in his approach to life. See you in the big house, Joe!"

Bo Bice - "He was a special person that always made everyone laugh and feel comfortable. I'm a better person for knowing Joe for sure. Rest in Peace."

Wilma Jourdan - "Where do you start? As a teen, I found the Oak Ridge Boys. Looking up to these 4 awesome guys became a part of my music favorites, then friends. Joe gave guidance on writing and my sketching. Also LIFE without him realizing it ... by his example. Thank you Joe."

Debbie Seay - "Joe and I have the same birthday, May 18th, both love baseball, the Phillies and cats. He has been a bright light in my life. His music, humor and stories he shared were, and still will be, wonderful outlets to life's trials. At age 13, when my father unexpectedly passed, I would find myself immersed in the Oaks gospel music. This led me to be baptized. I was blessed to go to several Open Houses where I got to meet my hero. Watching him play in several softball games was super fun and memorable. So many great memories, great music, great fun. This is still so surreal. He is already missed. We were all blessed by him being a part of this world. Thank you Joe for being a beautiful, bright light in this crazy world."

Sharon Murphy - "Jen, my story is funny, but opened up a decade of pure fun with him, meeting at various places all over the US. My mom was a fan of theirs and living in Las Vegas. She wanted to go, so we did. Not long after, she gained her wings. So the next year, they were playing in Branson and I was in town to speak at a nursing school graduation and they had a show the night before, so in mom's memory, I went. I had a pink hat on and after the show, I joined Twitter (ha!) and tweeted a picture to the group of how fun the show was. Joe direct messaged me (I didn't even know what that was) and said "I loved that hat. Where are you now?" So I told him and literally 5 minutes later, he slid into the booth next to me and scared the heck out of me. We talked for 2 hours, exchanged phone number and boom! A friendship began. At the end of the evening, he asked me to let him know if I was ever coming to a show again and I hesitated but thought "Why not .. he asked." We then met in North Dakota, Indiana, South Carolina and in St. Thomas on a cruise. Great friend. Horribly missed."

Jacquie Ott - "I went to see the Oaks in Bergen, NJ in March 2019. It was the first time I went to a show after losing my husband in 2016. I had gifted myself "17th Avenue Revival" for Christmas. Joe said onstage that they liked interacting with their fans on Twitter. Didn't use it but went home & figured it out. Told them thank you for Brand New Star - why. First the Boys replied, then Joe, both with kind words. So I was hooked on Twitter. A year or so later, Joe commented on something I posted, & spelled my name "Jacquie." I looked at it & it felt right so I figured why not and changed the way I spelled my name! So thank you, dear sir! You were a great person to know, however slightly. Oh, and thank you for the times you added "Jesse Taylor" to a set for me. 

Amanda Trill - "The personal attention he gave me when I was a kid is what influenced me to want to be a part of the music industry. I wanted to help fans connect to the artists they loved and I did just that for a number of years. It was the most rewarding (and fun) experience."

Steve McGrew - "It hit me hard too. Harder than I it has losing other friends. Joe was special. He made feel special. Joe was filled with love. He wanted everyone to be as happy as he was. I cried. Several times today. I’m tearing up again as I write this. I will never get to see him on earth again I will never get another text from him with something that makes me laugh out loud. Joe introduced me to all the other Oaks and we all became friends. I was blessed to know him."

Michelle Becker - "Ban-Joey as I always called him was truly my inspiration every day at a very young age. My first memory of him at age nine was that contagious smile of his and his humor. Oh and don't get me started on that hair! I was able to play hooky from school that day to go see and meet the Oaks in person at Westbury Music Fair in NY. I was in such awe of him, I was crying happy tears when he came out to sign autographs. I could not reach over the wall to see him. My dad yelled over to him saying "My daughter would like to meet you." What happened next was that I realized my feet were lifted off the ground as Ban-Joey lifted me over the fence and into his arms and gave me the tightest hug. That is where our friendship began almost 4.5 decades ago. We wrote many letters and had endless phone calls that I will cherish. There isn't anyone more genuine than this man."

Lovely Lance Lumley -  "The Oaks GH was the first record I got with my first drum set. Through them, I learned harmonies and drumming. Interacting with Joe on Twitter showed what a guy he was with his fans. His writing style was an inspiration too that I thank them in the back of my book."

Lu - I sent this to Joe back in January shortly after he announced retiring from the road. He replied that it brought him to tears. This is what it said:                    

It’s easy to see why you’ve heard from so many after announcing your retirement from the road. Being a part of your fan base not only brought people together, it created a sense of belonging. So many people not only love the music you and the Mighty Oaks have created, but Joe, your extraordinary personality and the way you’ve shared your life with your fans….you didn’t just give us a peek into your life, you brought us right into your living room, with Mary & your dear family, and the deer, Barney, Maggie Mae, and all the cats you’ve loved before, you brought us to your farm, took us on tractor/gator rides, allowed us to feel like we were sitting right next to you on your porch. The tens of thousands of fans you’ve extended compassion to when they lost a loved one, whether it was a human or a pet, you’ve been there for them through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Like when the pandemic hit and we were all feeling like the world was ending, your tweets and the Mighty Oaks music made us feel a sense of comfort and connectedness. Your music ain’t going anywhere, it will continue to be played over and over again. Timeless songs that will never grow old. Your cute face will never grow old. Love to you, ~Lu

I also sent him this message in March after they had him on the big screen at the Opry:        "

My heart ached last night listening to the Opry.  I can only imagine how hard that was for you to watch.  You are so worthy of that honor because you're really the glue that sticks the group together.  You're such a special friend Joe.  The admiration I have for you has never been about your awesome stage presence and all that celebrity stuff.  It's always been the kind of extraordinary person you are behind the scenes--your morals, your viewpoints on life, the way you love God, your love of animals,  the way you honor and love your parents. I could go on and on Joe.  I just may love you too much.  Gosh, that sounds like a country song.  Anyways,  I'm glad you have such a special family to hold you up in the difficult moments.  That Barn you got, he was made solid.  I love how he loves you."

His reply:  Thanks Lu I appreciate the love shown by so many … beings I can’t do it anymore I don’t miss it like you might think. It’s a different pathway for me now… I am hanging in there.

One more I sent him in January.  He replied "I will Lu":  The Oak Ridge Boys have given the world the gift of their beautiful music, but you, my friend, have always given the world the gift of YOU.  You've shared not only your journey on the road, but your life off the road as well, and that is truly memorable.   Spending several decades of one's life following you has given so many people (myself included) lasting memories, and you've made as many of those as you could.  I know transitioning is so difficult, but you are blessed more than most because you don't have to journey it alone.  I'm glad you stuck with twitter when the blue bird flew away, and I hope you will continue to do so.  Best Wishes, ~Lu

Darla BurnsJoe lived his life like a true Christian. He gave of his time to his fans. He shared a part of his life without and made us all feel like we were his friend. He loved his family. He loved America. He loved nature, animals, and his cats. He is going to leave a big hole in my life every time I log onto Twitter. I wonder if the deer have come to comfort Mary. I wonder how Barney is taking this loss? Barney has lost before.

(Note from Jenn in response to Darla: This photo was posted by Mary Bonsall on Joe's Twitter last week. Yes, the deer are grieving too.)

Seth - 10yrs ago I had the privilege of meeting the ORB's before a show at Renfro Valley. After having a brief conversation, Duane and Joe in particular, took an interest in my career in law enforcement. From that night on, we remained in regular contact and spoke frequently. Joe and I talked about life, family, and careers. Joe always offered words of encouragement when the frustrations of my job seemed to be at its worst. A memory that will live in infamy is the 2018 KY State Fair. The ORB's being a huge supporter of law enforcement, invited a group of us on stage to sing Elvira! I had the pleasure of standing with Joe as he shared the mic and helped make a memory that I will never forget. The moment was surreal. To be standing on stage in front of such a huge crowd with LEGENDS and signing arguably one of the most famous songs ever written. I often go back to that video and sing along and relive that moment. The last time I saw Joe was back at Renfro Valley in the summer of 2023. I was able to see and speak with him prior to the show. I remember saying several times that I needed to get back to my seat so he could prepare for the show, but Joe would just laugh and say "I think we've done this a few times, I'll be ok." That night I sat and talked up until the final moment before taking stage. I'll never forget the big hug he gave me before I walked off. Joe was always good to me. The first time we met, I was nothing but a fan of his music, but over time, I was able to call him a friend and an admirer of Joe as a person. He was humble, kind, and gracious. He never let fame change who he was. I'm thankful for the memories and the time he took to get to know me as a person, not just another fan. Until the day...

144Man - Missing him greatly.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


It's almost Christmas and since we can't afford to do the 12 Days giveaway this year like we did in the past, we wanted to give one of you something that has meaning to it, something that isn't the typical signed CD, tshirt, blah blah blah. We looked around at some of the items we have and decided on something that most closely resembles the meaning of Christmas and also has a connection to one of our best memories of 2015. We decided on a copy of the latest, best selling book from Oak Ridge Boy, Joe Bonsall - "On the Road With The Oak Ridge Boys".

The Oak Ridge Boys, who were finally inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame this year, are about love, generosity, faith, giving back, friendship, family and fan connection and this book is a collection of memories of all of those things.What sums up Christmas better than memories written from the heart? This book has gone over so well with readers that the publishers have come to Joe for a Volume 2.

If you want to enter to win the book, all you have do is tell us your favorite memory of 2015 and tweet it to @lovinlyrics, leave it in a comment on our Facebook page or on our Instagram and use hashtag #BestMemories2015. We'll choose a winner on Christmas Day!

You can only enter once so get your name in there and good luck!

Merry Christmas!

- Jenn

Saturday, June 23, 2012


CD: "Back Home Again"
Artist: Oak Ridge Boys
Release Date: June 2012
Label: Gaither Music

Southern gospel music has always been a root of country music. Most artists back from the early days to those making their way in today's ever changing face of country still credit gospel music as an influence in their own music. Artists from Jamey Johnson to Carrie Underwood choose to perform gospel greats at their shows. No one does country music or gospel better than Joe Bonsall, Duane Allen, Richard Sterban and William Lee Golden, the Oak Ridge Boys.

Their voices are familiar and recognized throughout the gospel and country music worlds. Their harmonies are heavenly as though sent straight down to our ears by the hand of God. Their music serves a purpose, it's more than just good times and something to get your feet tapping. They personally and thoughtfully choose each song that goes on an Oak Ridge Boys cd, they choose songs with meaning, songs with a message. When it comes to their gospel music, they take an even bigger step by making sure each song takes you back to a place we all remember: sitting in a church, singing with the choir and grandma pinching you telling you to be quiet during the sermon. I loved those days and listening to this brand new cd, aptly titled "Back Home Again", takes me right back to that place and I feel "home again".

The cd brings back fond memories of the original Oak Ridge Quartet, back when Joe Bonsall was still singing into a broom handle in his kitchen and before the group we know today came together as the Oak Ridge Boys. In today's time when it seems that gospel has long been forgotten, the Oak Ridge Boys strive to keep it in the forefront and keep it memorable. The cd includes some of southern gospels favorites such as the 1974 Oak Ridge Boys song, "Why Me". The original version showcased Duane Allen on lead vocals, however they changed it up a little and made it fresh by placing Richard Sterban on the lead mic. Another great one classic on the cd is "The River of Jordan". William Lee lends his voice to this one and makes you understand why it's so well loved. One of our favorites on the cd, although short in length, running about 2 minutes, is "Standing in the Need of Prayer". This song sung by Joe Bonsall tells the story that features all of us as the main character, standing before God asking for His help. We've all been there and we've all needed that help. It's a song that every one of us can relate to and that's what is so wonderful about the Oak Ridge Boys, they are relateable and real. They don't sing about getting drunk, chasing women and cheating on their spouses. They sing about the good stuff, the real stuff, that stuff that matters and that's what this cd is. I guess there's a reason you classify these guys as legendary. When it comes to giving it their best, this is where the buck stops. This is one of the best Oaks cds to be released in a long time. Gospel fans, country fans and ORB fans will love it.

You can purchase the cd on iTunes and Amazon now!

To find out more about the Oak Ridge Boys, go to

Monday, April 16, 2012

Oak Ridge Boys Member Joe Bonsall Brings Patriotism to Cracker Barrel

Just a sidenote: One of my FAVORITE books ... along with his "From My Perspective". Two of the best and most personal books you will find on any bookshelf. Thank you, Joe, for sharing so much of yourself with us. We love you. ~ Jenn (Lovin' Lyrics)

Celebrated Book on Bravery, Commitment and Sacrifice Now on Sale


Nashville, TN (April 16, 2012) – Joe Bonsall of The Oak Ridge Boys has released his best-selling book, G.I. Joe & Lillie: Remembering a Life of Love and Loyalty, at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store®. This moving account of his parents, Joe and Lillie Bonsall is a powerful story of patriotism, bravery, deep commitment, and unmovable faith.

The Grammy-winning singer says the project will enable him to further share the legacy of the inspiring publication which symbolizes the essence and core values of America. “I am honored beyond words that Cracker Barrel Old Country Store is now carrying my G.I. Joe & Lillie book. Along with all of these years of singing with The Oak Ridge Boys, writing this book has been a highlight of my life and its constant success has been downright incredible,” he says. “I think the reason people love this book is that so many folks from the Greatest Generation lived the same or, at least, very similar story,” Bonsall adds.

He describes having G.I. Joe & Lillie at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store® as truly meaningful and relevant. “Our great Veterans who gave so much for our freedom are always there eating at Cracker Barrel because they know that this is a company that cares about them deeply as does ALL of Middle America. I know I do... that is why I wrote this book. A story that honors my parents and their service to America,” the Grand Ole Opry member explains.

Previously, Joe Bonsall wrote a song in honor of his parents, both members of the U.S. military during World War II. The Oak Ridge Boys took part in a patriotic television show which was directed and produced by Sherman Halsey. During the performance, they sang the song, G.I. Joe & Lillie, as a tribute to Bonsall’s parents, shortly after their passing. A video of the performance was uploaded to YouTube by a fan, creating headlines and generating more than 2.8 million views. The video is shown below:

A critically-acclaimed author, Joe Bonsall has had articles featured in many publications. Books he’s written include From My Perspective, Molly the Cat children’s book series, The Oak Ridge Boys: An American Journey, and An Inconvenient Christmas. For additional information, please visit his personal website at: Get latest updates and details on The Oak Ridge Boys, by visiting Excerpt from G.I. Joe & Lillie Now Available at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store®

‘The good soldier who fought the war and the woman who loved him is a story as old as time itself. As we approach the uncertainties of the future, it is good to know that this kind of love, faith, and dedication does exist. Yes, I believe it does and, yes, I believe it always will. The key word here is ‘faith’ — faith in God, faith in country, faith in each other.” - Joseph S. Bonsall

About Cracker Barrel

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store® provides a friendly home-away-from-home in its old country stores and restaurants. Guests are cared for like family while relaxing and enjoying real home-style food and shopping that’s surprisingly unique, genuinely fun and reminiscent of America’s country heritage… all at a fair price. The restaurant serves up delicious, home-style country food such as meatloaf and homemade chicken n’ dumplins as well as its made from scratch biscuits using an old family recipe. The authentic old country retail store is fun to shop and offers unique gifts and self-indulgences. Visit: for more information.