Showing posts with label scott decarlo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scott decarlo. Show all posts

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Website -
Twitter - @ScottDeCarlo
Instagram - @ScottDeCarloMusic

We recently had a chance to catch up with one of our favorite new artists, Scott DeCarlo. Scott's been out of the scene for awhile, his last single, "I See Trouble Comin'" released back in the summer of 2013. He may have been off the radar but he certainly hasn't been idle. He's had a lot going on and is back with a rockin' new single, "Tippin' It Up". The release date is currently unavailable.

Lovin' Lyrics: You've been off the scene for awhile, what's been going on? We're glad you're back!

Scott DeCarlo: Hey there, it’s great to be back. I took some much needed time to sort life out, find direction in music, love, how I live and where I live.  I married the love of my life who, just so happened to be and still is my best friend. I moved out of Nashville because the town is going insane with all of the unnecessary growth and bought a small farm back in South Central NJ.

Lovin' Lyrics: Some may not know this, but you're not only a singer/songwriter, but you're also a NJ police officer. Is there anything you've learned as a police officer that's crossed over into your music career?

Scott DeCarlo: I’m laughing inside. I learned that “politics” is the role in all areas of life. I saw it first in government work but it is the founding principle in music as well. It’s not what you know, how well you do what you do or how hard you try. If you wanna make it in the business you gotta know how to play the political game (I am terrible at it by the way). I left law enforcement completely last year because I realized that music, writing and performing is the fire in my soul. I need to do it or the fire will burn out. When you lose your soul, what do you have? I didn’t make the decision to run out and be a rock star, that’s not what true artistry is and the decision didn’t come easy either. I've built a true following from the ground up and I believe in follow through. Mostly I believe in the organic truth in the eyes staring back at you from the audience to the stage.

Lovin' Lyrics: You have new music on the way. Tell me a little about the new single and what else is coming down the pipe.

Scott DeCarlo: Ahh “Tippin It Up!” I'm excited about this for many reasons. I got to write it with Shane Minor who is also an ex cop and a friend of mine who has some big hits out there (“Chillin’It” by Cole Swindell and “Live a Little” by Kenny Chesney among so many others), he is difficult to get a write in with too. We got together and he’s like “Whatya got?” I mentioned a couple of ideas and then got to this one. I had in a voice note, played it for him and he’s like “yeah, lets do that one”. It excites me because it’s a bit different from the previous releases, but I was able to produce it with another friend and great producer in Nashville, “Brad Winters.” I’ve been getting out and about and doing some low-key shows in NY and NJ and the response has been huge so I can’t wait to see what radio thinks of it. Coming down the pipe, I’ve got a few songs up my sleeve that I’m considering releasing. I may actually release a ballad I wrote with J.Michael Harter called “What I Didn’t Do.” I posted a snippet of a video of it and it had hit like 2000 views in about 5 hours. That tells me either it’s really good, or I need to bury it! Lol!!!

Lovin' Lyrics: If you've learned one major thing since you've gotten into music, what would that one lasting lesson be and what advice would you pass on from your own life to those coming into the business?

Scott DeCarlo: There are so many lessons that I’ve learned that people getting into the business really need to live and learn for themselves. No one can tell you what your career will be and no one can tell you what it won’t be either. We create our own destiny as long as we keep control of ourselves. I would pass on that the music business is just that, “A Business” and you’d better remember that. But the music industry doesn’t make or break your business, the fans do. The FANS are what is most important, So, write for yourself, perform for your fans and live without the promise of tomorrow.

Lovin' Lyrics: We always ask who your influences are but how do you see yourself as an influence to someone else trying to make it?

Scott DeCarlo: I really, REALLY, don’t see myself as an influence. Maybe there’s someone just starting out and they see my persistence and ambition. I would tell them I don’t know if I’m too stupid to stop or too smart? Only time will tell. But maybe they’ll see my love for music, my need to perform and my need to give every ounce of my being in each and every performance and they’ll think that’s pretty influential.

Lovin' Lyrics: Can we expect a new video soon?

Scott DeCarlo: Yes we can! I did a live shoot for “Tippin It up” at a recent show and I am hoping to get out at least one more by year's end and hopefully more in 2017.

Lovin' Lyrics: What would you change about the current music industry if you were able?

Scott DeCarlo: I have never been a signed artist and have only had little interactions with booking agents and managers. I do this on my own and it’s working. I don’t really know the industry. Maybe that will change but I guess I’d like to see more new artists on the CMA Stage.

Lovin' Lyrics: You do a lot of charity work and giving back through your music. Tell us about some work that you do?

Scott DeCarlo: I couldn’t pin point one charity really. If something touches my heart and I can help, I’ll give and perform whatever I can. I used to do a yearly Christmas benefit and we’d choose a new charity each year to donate to but mostly the charities that benefit children get my attention.

Lovin' Lyrics: If you could sum up Scott DeCarlo in one word, what would it be and why?

Scott DeCarlo: “Happy!” I get to wake up everyday next to the woman I love, write the music I love, perform for the fans I love and live life forward. Live and learn, appreciate all experiences, never forget where I’ve been but have no regrets.

You can find previous singles from Scott on iTunes. Keep an eye out for the new single, "Tippin' It Up" and if you like it, please request it on your local stations and tell people about it. Keep the love of music going.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


If you've followed us for awhile, then you know we're huge supporters of New Jersey policeman turned country rocker, Scott DeCarlo. Scott is a longtime friend and one of the best people we know. His style is different, unique and something you're not gonna find anywhere else. Take a second, listen to his music and get to know Scott DeCarlo. They don't come much better in my book.

- Jenn

Lovin' Lyrics: When we met, you once described your sound as "21st Century Country Rock" ... what does that exactly mean and what can a first time listener expect to hear?

Scott DeCarlo: There is no denying, I’m a whole lotta rock, my sound comes from what I feel and albeit a little harder, it falls close to the realm of today’s popular country sound.  It’s a Country Rockin Sound in this 21st Century for sure!

Lovin' Lyrics: You're a NJ police officer walking the beat by day and playing to the beat of the music by night. How do you balance the two and how do you balance the transition between NJ and Nashville?

Scott DeCarlo: It hasn’t always been easy but it is a living. I’m hoping, and it looks very promising that I’ll be able to leave law enforcement and be able to focus completely on music at the end of this year. Being a Police Officer has been incredible, helping people is the greatest feeling one can feel. But I’ll be glad when I’m done because there are far to many people disrespecting the quality officers due to the actions of a few bad ones as well as some misconceptions of what should and what shouldn’t be.

Lovin' Lyrics: How would you verbalize your personal "biography" to a potential fan, what are your personal "selling points?"

Scott DeCarlo: I’m still figuring it out. I don’t think anyone who wants to grow, can honestly state their own biography. As a potential fan, you are a potential friend, you will receive honesty in my songs and if you get to a show, I promise to give you ALL OF ME! As a performer, if you’re not giving to the listener, you’re taking… I’m a giver!

Lovin' Lyrics: What's the most memorable moment in your career as an artist? 

Scott DeCarlo: Definitely playing with Lee Brice. We’ve played with several top artists over the last year or two and I’m not saying the others aren’t, but he is a super great guy. Lee’s fun to talk to, awesome to party with, and inspiring to watch. He brings a high-energy show, so we didn’t feel like we needed to tone down our show so we didn’t upset anyone…

Lovin' Lyrics: What's a moment you'd just as soon forget as an artist? Most embarrassing moment on stage?  

Scott DeCarlo: Forgetting the lyrics to my own songs in front of a few thousand people is definitely something that doesn’t happen often any longer, but I’ve done it and boy is it embarrassing.

Lovin' Lyrics: Define "success"

Scott DeCarlo: Being happy with who you are, where you are and knowing you arrived there by being honest with yourself. Success is learning from your mistakes and becoming a better person because of them.

Lovin' Lyrics: You've released 2 singles so far since breaking out in a new direction, "Havin' a Good Time" and "I See Trouble Comin'". What can we expect from you in 2015?

Scott DeCarlo: More Rockin Music, I’ve written a lot over the past year, keeping with the hard rockin direction. Still not sure if we’re gonna release an entire album or another single or two.

Lovin' Lyrics: You're very big on giving back and anyone that knows you like we do, knows that you do what you can for other people. What's the most memorable thing you've done for someone that really made an impact in your life?

Scott DeCarlo:  I really do love giving back. It’s hard to pick one thing but the Bands and Fans With Giving Hands Show around the holidays is truly an event I look forward to. I hope it grows and we can help more and more families in years to come.

Lovin' Lyrics: As a new artist, what you do find to be the hardest thing about getting heard and what are you doing  "outside of the box" to be heard?

Scott DeCarlo: I’m really outside the box all together, as you know and as you’ve said, my sound and direction are different. I’m truly just trying to be me. The hardest thing about getting heard is the major labels have all the money and control the what gets heard on major radio. I believe secondary and internet radio are loving what I’m doing and I am super appreciative of that.

Lovin' Lyrics: In 3 words or phrases, describe Scott DeCarlo the every day guy.

Scott DeCarlo: Caring, kind and fun! LAUGH DAMN YOU!

Lovin' Lyrics: What is one strength you are proud of and one weakness you're not so proud of?

Scott DeCarlo: My strength is probably my tenacity which can then also translate into my weakness, since I may not always be understanding of those that don’t possess the same passion and more easily throw in the towel and throw out excuses.

Lovin' Lyrics: You're big into fan engagement and you handle your social media personally, none of this social manager stuff. How can fans connect with you online? What's your Facebook and Twitter handle? 

Scott DeCarlo: You can find me pretty much anywhere. My website is, I'm on Facebook at, Twitter at @scottdecarlo and on Instagram at @scottdecarlomusic.

Lovin' Lyrics: I love me some you.

Scott DeCarlo: I love you too! Do you need a Hub Cap???

Lovin' Lyrics: For those who don't know the "hubcap" story ... Scott came across 2 whole states just to take me to dinner before his big move to Nashville. I called him to see where he was and to get an ETA and he said he was trying to find a hubcap to bring me from the side of the road. I was kinda caught offguard and thought he was joking so I laughed it off. A short while later, he shows up with hubcap in hand and gives it to me and says he didn't want to bring me something that I wouldn't remember so he decided I could never forget the guy who gave me a random hubcap. This, among a million other little things, is what I love about Scott DeCarlo. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Hey guys, REALLY need your help! Scott DeCarlo has made it to the Top 5 finalists to open for Chase Rice in Denver on 9/5. Starting tomorrow, Friday August 22, at 9:00am, we need everyone to go to and vote for his "Havin' a Good Time" video! Scott's worked his tail off to get this far, he's a hard working Jersey cop doing everything he can to make it in this business and what a great way to say thank you and support his music than by helping to get him on this stage. This could be the break he needs and he needs every one of us! We stand behind him 100% and hope we can count on you guys to help make this happen.

Remember, tomorrow at 9am and the voting ends of August 29 at noon. Let's make this happen! We really appreciate ya'll! This means alot. We've been behind Scott for the past 3 years and to see how far he's come on his own is fantastic but he can't get there without all of us!

Here is his "Havin' a Good Time' video for ya to enjoy in the meantime. This is the one you'll vote for starting tomorrow morning at 9am! Let's make this thing happen!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Blackjack Billy AND Scott DeCarlo on the same stage, same night, same time? Are you kidding me? If you miss this party, you must be staying at home reading an English romance novel, drinking fru fru tea with your pinky raised. This is THE party not to miss. Great music, good lookin' men, and good friends? If you live in the area, what's your excuse for not being at Jenks Club in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ on August 13? There isn't one. I "Got a Feeling" that a lot of people are gonna be "Havin' a Good Time"! Tickets are still available! - CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

300 Ocean Avenue
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742
(732) 899-0569

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Friday, January 24, 2014


New Jersey police sergeant turned country rocker, Scott DeCarlo, has landed two prime opening performances in the next couple of months. Scott will be opening for Aaron Lewis and Lee Brice at the Starland Ballroom. If you're in the Sayreville, NJ area, get your tickets now because they WILL sell out.

Lee Brice: The Other Side Tour
February 16, 2014
Starland Ballroom Sayreville, NJ
Doors Open at 7pm
All ages show, must be 21 or older to drink
Advance: $25.00 / Day of Show: $30.00

April 10, 2016
Starland Ballroom Sayreville, NJ
Doors Open at 7pm
All ages show, must be 21 or older to drink
Advance: $25.00 / Day of Show: $30.00

Thursday, November 21, 2013


 Scott DeCarlo has a huge voice, but his need to help those around him is even bigger. He's always willing to lend a hand to help those less fortunate and always opens his heart to someone who just needs a little boost of encouragement to make their lives a little bit better. This holiday season, Scott is doing just that in two ways.


Scott has added a section to his website called "Giving Help for the Holidays". He wants to help a few truly deserving families or special persons. He needs your help in finding these special people. Go to his website, and go to the "Giving Help for the Holidays" section on the front page. If you know of someone who truly needs the help of others, please nominate them by submitting their information and story to Scott. All information will be kept 100% confidential. Scott will choose those he feels are the most in need and find a way to help them in some way. - CLICK HERE TO NOMINATE

Date: 12/20/13
Mexicali Live - 1409 Queen Anne Rd Teaneck, NJ 07666  (201) 833-0011

Scott will be performing at Mexicali Live in Teaneck, NJ on December 20. This show will be a charity toy drive to support Camp Moore, a New Jersey Elks Association camp for children with special needs. Doors will open at 7 pm and tickets are only $15.00. Please bring a new or gently used unwrapped toy with you to donate to the kids of Camp Moore. All donations are welcome and appreciated.

Camp Moore, tucked away in the hills of the Ramapo Mountains, provides a place where families of special needs children can just go and the kids can just be kids and have fun with other children. The goal of the camp is to not only develop recreational and social skills of each of these special children, but to give them lasting friendships, build their confidence, as well as a new found sense of independence in a safe and relaxing environment. This truly is a wonderful place and Scott wants to do what he can to make sure Camp Moore and it's visitors continue to grow and provide these opportunities through his music. For more on Camp Moore, watch this video and visit their official website HERE.

Let's make this a special holiday for those who haven't had an easy time of things, who have dealt with hardships or tragedy this year, and who just need to know that people care enough to do what they can. 
Thank you to Scott DeCarlo and to all who open their hearts for those around them. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


(Nashville, Tenn. – October 30, 2013) – New Jersey police sergeant, Scott DeCarlo, has released a new single, “I See Trouble Comin’” along with a music video, which is circulating through video outlets across the United States.

The single, produced by acclaimed musician/producer Biff Watson, is an upbeat country track about a man who sees a beautiful woman who he knows is trouble, but he just “can’t get out of the way.” The track was co-written by Chris Young, Ira Dean and David Lee Murphy. “I See Trouble Comin’” is now available on iTunes and is being promoted nationally. "Scott is a very disciplined and focused artist,” said Watson. “Scott is a passionate entertainer, and when he's having a good time, you can bet it's a party for his fans. When he sees trouble coming, he knows how to handle it.”

A music video, directed and produced by Glenn Sweitzer, was created for the single. Portrayed in the video is a love-struck little boy who leaves his friends to spend time with a blonde, blue-eyed little girl. The video premiered recently on The Boot, and is being promoted by AristoVideo Services to a panel of outlets including those at the National, Syndicated, Regional, Closed Circuit and Internet levels.


DeCarlo, an East Rutherford, N.J. native, decided to diversify his career path in 2012 by splitting his time between Nashville and his New Jersey home and releasing his debut album, A Whole New Kind of Crazy. Artists ranging from Garth Brooks to Elvis have inspired DeCarlo to create his country-rock style and unique sound. “I've always been the kind of man standing on the tracks waiting on that train yelling, ‘speed it up, bring it on,’” said DeCarlo, a self-described go-getter who is having fun splitting his time between his two homes and careers.

Last month, DeCarlo had the opportunity to open for Chris Young, one of the co-writers of his new single. Included in his upcoming schedule is a performance at the 4th Annual Scott DeCarlo Christmas Party Toy drive in Teaneck, N.J, an event he created to help underprivileged children in that neighborhood. “It is great to be able to combine my civic duties with my music,” said DeCarlo. “It is fun to have my two worlds collide.”

DeCarlo was recently inspired to help fans "see trouble comin'" by awarding one lucky fan with a Go Pro Hero3 camera in a contest to help promote his new single.

For more information on Scott DeCarlo visit or follow him on Twitter and Facebook

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Former New Jersey police sergeant Scott DeCarlo shows off his electric, uptempo country sound on his brand new single, "I See Trouble Comin". The video premiered Tuesday, 10/1, on If you're a fan of NBC's The Voice, you may recognize Adley Stump as the camera girl.
You can purchase "I See Trouble Comin" on iTunes and Amazon!

Friday, June 14, 2013


CMA Fest is over, the fans have all gone home but the music definitely left an impression. Nixa Country Radio hosted their annual "World's Largest Fan Club Party" at Big Shotz on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This party gave new artists a chance to showcase their music and give fans a chance to see that there's more to good music that just what they hear over and over on mainstream radio. Thank you to Nixa Country for providing this chance both to new artists and to fans. Nixa Country also was considerate of all of their fans, both local and those who couldn't make the show and featured the entire three day party on their website as a livestream. Artists included Jared Blake of NBC's "The Voice" Season 1, Branch and Dean, Scott DeCarlo, hit songwriter George Ducas, Brinn Black, Aaron Crawford, Bobby Ray Bittle, Andrea Demetree, Wesley Harden of ABC's "The Batchelorette" and "The Batchelor Pad", Richie Fields and so many more.